

Want to get your affairs in order?

Wills, Powers of Attorney, Trusts, Rest Home Subsidies, all sorted. Contact us today

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It can be uncomfortable talking about death, and that’s what a doing a Will is all about. Putting in place your wishes so that when you do pass away ( we all do eventually) the legacy of what you can pass on, is passed to where you want it to go.

We do simple Wills for $200.00 Inclusive of GST and can give you a fixed price for more complex wills.

What is a simple Will? Well nothings ever that simple but its generally where you are leaving everything to your spouse and partner and if they have passed then to your children.

Its gets a little more complicated where you have mixed families.

Give us a call for an initial free discussion of your needs.

Powers of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney is an useful and important legal document to have in place.

An enduring power of attorney fills the space between someone losing capacity to handle their own affairs and death.

It allows you to appoint an attorney to handle your day to day affairs if you are not able to. I.e. paying your bills, making medical decisions.

We do powers of attorney for $400.00 inclusive of GST per person or $700.00 inclusive of GST for a couple


Trusts are becoming increasingly complex, especially with the new obligations now placed upon Trustees following the implementation of the Trusts Act 2019.

We can guide you from discussing the rationale of having a trust, setting up your trust, to how to administer and met the new Trustee obligations.

Contact us, for an initial free consultation around your legal needs

Christchurch: by appointment

Nelson/ Tasman : 74 Whitby Road, Wakefield

Phone: 0274150015